As this year is winding down and a new year is about to unfold, it is good for us to turn to St. Francis de Sales and his excellent words of wisdom.
None of us have any idea of just what lies ahead – and at times, that is a merciful thing. We do not struggle with the joy filled events that happen in our lives. The unexpected sorrows, burdens, and tragedies that impact us and our loved ones, can knock us off our feet.
We need to have the eyes of faith to look beyond the situation, and know God’s presence in the midst of our troubles and sorrows. We have to look with hope, trusting that God will use these very situations, to bring about our salvation – and the salvation of our loved ones.
We are God’s children, and He is our Father – our Papa. We have to remind ourselves of this fact when we feel helpless, alone and afraid. St. Francis assures us that “God will safely lead us through it, and when we cannot stand it any longer, He will carry us in His arms.”
What a loving Papa we have! He is so sad to see so much sin and suffering in our world. It was not the way He intended life to be for us. When man turned his back on God in the Garden of Eden, life as we would have known it, changed . . . and He wept!
But that is not the end of the story – in God’s great love for us, He sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem us and restore our relationship with Him. But we still have the gift of free will, and can either choose to know, love, and walk in God’s graces, or to turn our backs on Him, as our first parents did.
Life is difficult enough! We do not have to make it harder for ourselves by keeping God at arm’s length. This coming year, as events unfold – good or bad -- let us cling to Papa in trust, knowing in our hearts, that He will provide all the graces we will need to handle each and every situation.
When the vicissitudes of life becoming overwhelming and you cannot stand it any longer, cry out to Papa! He will lift you above your troubles and hold you in His arms.
“Be at peace and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.”
Oh Avia Joy, what beautiful words of wisdom to share as we approach yet another year. May we always choose to trust in love and hope that God will continue to be there for us each step of the way! Thank you for all the spiritual food in 2014 and may the Holy Spirit continue to shower you with wisdom! Happy, Holy, Healthy New Year!