Sunday, January 21, 2018

He Who Makes Us Desire, Grants Our Desire

     “More than ever, I understand that the smallest events of our life are conducted by God; He is the One who makes us desire and who grants our desires.             
                                                                                                 St. Therese of Lisieux

     We all have dreams and desires of our hearts; some we’ve had for a long time, whiles other fairly new: our vocation, children, goals in life, places to visit, a home, spiritual hopes and the such.

     As our lives unfold, our desires are fulfilled or not. Like the seasons, they change and sometimes even fade away, while others come to fruition, grow and blossom.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Light in the Darkness

     Sadness had overtaken my focus on Christmas. There was nothing manifest to make me feel this way.

     We had had a wonderful Christmas celebration with family and friends. I had made time for Christ and had carved out “quiet moments” to keep my focus on His birth. So, what was wrong?