“The Virgin Mother longed for Him with love beyond all telling.” Preface 1 of Advent
Like Mary, do we long for Jesus with love beyond all telling? Or, with just a few days left before Christmas, are we longing for it all to be behind us? Have we lost our way in all the hustle and bustle of our “to do” lists and forgotten “Who is the Reason for the Season?”
Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace! “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid (John 14 vs. 27).
This time of Advent waiting, is not meant to be a time of stress and anxiety. It is suppose to be an opportunity to ready our hearts to welcome Jesus anew, on Christmas morning. It is a time to slow down and open our hearts to Love. Like little children, we can gather straw to soften Christ’s manger, by good works done for others in His name. When little Jesus comes, will He find a nice cozy place to lie, or will it be cold and harsh?
Even if you have not fared too well up to this point, all is not lost. Thank the clerk at the supermarket or the department store. Wish them a “Merry Christmas,” call them by name and give them a smile. They often don’t get the appreciation they deserve and may be even more stressed out then you. Be patient and pleasant with family members – especially those with whom you live. We don’t always exhibit our best behavior with those closest to us. Call someone you may not have spoken to in a while, or someone who may be lonely. Your call may just make their day!
Picture the excitement Our Lady must have felt as the time for Jesus’ birth neared. Whisper the name of Jesus in your heart and tell Him how much you love Him. Make visits to Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament, or in the quiet of your heart. If you have not received the Sacrament of Reconciliation, do so before Christmas morning. Sweep out of your soul anything that is not worthy of His presence.
Joseph and Mary’s trip to Bethlehem was not an easy feat, yet their hearts grew in love, as they journeyed to His birth. With just a few days left to prepare our hearts, let’s ask Mother Mary to help us to do what we can, to focus on Jesus. Waste no more time by stressing out, but pray for Christ’s peace to enter your soul. As we move toward Christ’s birth, may our hearts grow in love and longing for Him, so that on Christmas morn, Jesus will rest contently in our hearts.
What beautiful timely advice Avia Joy! Come Lord Jesus, come!