Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tabernacle of Love

     “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God” ( Lk. 1 vs. 35).

     These words from St. Luke are sometimes so familiar to us, that we fail to truly grasp the reality.   GOD BECAME MAN – IN THE WOMB OF A WOMAN, and a very young woman at that! This is a statement that should just blow us away! Our finite minds cannot begin to fully comprehend just how Mary felt, but never the less, let’s try to delve into that divine mystery.

     What was it like for Our Lady to become a living tabernacle of Jesus – the Divine Word – for nine months? Did she feel Jesus’ Presence from the moment of her “yes?” What were Mary’s thoughts and emotions, the first time she felt Him – Almighty God made man – move within her? Was it both awe and exaltation to carry God, her Savior, in her womb? In the silence of those nine months, while Mary awaited her little Son’s birth, what words were spoken to her heart? And what did Our Lady say to her dear little Jesus?

     Every mother wonders about her child when she is pregnant: What would he look like? What will he be like? Will I be able to give him all that He needs? And in some ways, Mary may have entertained some of these questions herself. But one thing that was certain . . . her love for Him. The love that was present in her heart and mind for this little One, was magnified through the presence of the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Love.

     Through our Baptism, the Divine Word dwells in our souls and is speaking to us throughout our days. Do we take the time to listen with reverent, silent love, as Our Lady did, so that His Holy spirit can form in us, another Christ? Do we feel the stirring of His life within us and nurture it? Do we love Christ as we should – there dwelling within us? Do we even realize that He is there? Do look for Jesus and see Him in others – most especially in those with whom we struggle? Do we then, treat them like we would treat Jesus?

     Overcoming the difficulty to acknowledge Christ’s life within each of us can only happen by the power of the Holy Spirit. We must beg the Spirit of God to come upon us, and the power of the Most High to overshadow us, that we will come to recognize Him in one another.

     As we journey through this Advent season, let us ask Our Lady and her Spouse, the Holy Spirit, to help us become aware of and cherish the life of Christ within us. May we speak to Jesus often and allow Him to be more visible in our words, thoughts and deeds. As we move toward the great celebration of Christ’s birth, may His presence grow within us, so we will be able to bring His light to all we meet, and become a living tabernacle of Love to a world so full of darkness!    


1 comment:

  1. How beautiful to contemplate Mary throughout her pregnancy. Being a mother, you know what goes through your mind during those 9 months of gestation. What a great way to open that scripture to our hearts and minds. May we be blessed during this Advent season to live as though we are walking tabernacles bringing the love of the Savior to all we meet! Thank you Avia Joy!
