Friday, December 5, 2014

The Rusty Key

     “At Advent we should try the key to our heart’s door. It may have gathered rust. If so, this is the time to oil it, in order that the heart’s door may open more easily when the Lord Jesus wants to enter at Christmas time!”                                                                                                                                                                                                A New Guinea Christian

     What kind of “rust” has gathered on the key to our heart’s door to prevent Jesus from entering? It seems to sneak up on us until we notice its damage, and Christ is locked out!

     Is it the rust of indifference, which tries to convince us that God doesn't really care about what we are doing – so why try so hard? And if that’s the case, why spend time in prayer? You don’t seem to be growing in holiness anyway. Besides, if God really loves us, life would not be so difficult. When we struggle, why bother to “offer it up?” Does it really make a difference?

     Rust can show itself in other ways: in unforgiveness – wanting to hold on to our hurt and playing it over in our minds, till it has a life of its own. In criticism and gossip – seeing and speaking about the faults of those around us, and not taking the time to see their goodness. In pride – by forgetting that we can’t always control the events in our lives or in the lives of others. We need God, His love, grace and help to navigate through this life on earth. We need to realize that this life is not the “be all or end all.” And in sloth – when we just do what we feel like and don’t push to get past ourselves for others. When our attitude is “we can do it tomorrow” – forgetting that the way we live each day is our gift to God.

     These are but a few examples of the ways in which the key to our heart can become corroded; each of us needs to examine our lives to see what type of rust is present. Once rust has set in, it can be difficult to remove. But Our Lord Jesus has left us the perfect oil to get our key spanking clean: the Sacrament of Reconciliation!

     It’s not easy to get rid of the deep seated rust of resentment, jealousy, false pride, gossip and indifference. We need the spiritual lubricant of God’s graces that are offered to us through the Mass and the the sacraments. We can add the finishing touches on our key by continual prayer and sacrifice.  Frequently recalling God’s great love and His constant concern for us, keeps the tarnish from returning.

     Let us make a concerted effort this Advent season, to look squarely at the key to our heart, and determine what type of rust has accumulated. Then bring it all to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Unlike in Bethlehem long ago, the door to the inn of our heart will be open wide, to welcome our dear sweet Jesus on Christmas morning and swaddle Him with love.

1 comment:

  1. What a great analogy! How many times do we hold onto our anger or unforgiveness because of pride! Advent is the perfect time to transform our lives so the key to our heart is not rusty. This way we can offer our dear sweet Jesus a clean bed in which to lie!
