Thursday, December 25, 2014

O Come, Let Us Adore Him

     “In the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Savior, who took flesh in Mary’s womb over twenty centuries ago, continues to offer Himself to humanity as the source of Divine Life.”                                                   St. John Paul II

     During the Christmas holidays, our churches look so beautiful with lighted trees, rich altar tapestries, and of course, the stable, where the baby Jesus lies in the manger. And as we sing the words, “O come, let us adore Him,” we yearn deep within our hearts, to be taken back in time, gazing in awe, upon the Babe of Bethlehem.

     If, by some great miracle of God, Jesus was scheduled to preside in our church, on a particular day and time, we would manipulate our schedules, and make every necessary sacrifice to be with Him. We would tell our family and friends to make sure that they would not miss out. We would stand in line for hours, if necessary, full of anticipation and excitement.

     This miracle occurs every day on our altars, and we are sometimes too busy to care. The same Jesus Christ, who was born in Bethlehem, grew up in Nazareth, walked the streets of Galilee teaching and healing people, is present – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – in the Holy Eucharist. He is our source of Divine Life when we partake of Him in Holy Communion, allowing His love and grace to fill our hearts.

     Making visits to Him in Eucharistic Adoration is also vital for our soul. In our world, full of broken commitments and selfish love, we need to immerse ourselves in the Presence of Love Himself, if we want to be able to love truly – to love as God loves.

     In his book, “In the Presence of Our Lord,” the late Fr. Groschel writes, “Here before the Blessed Sacrament I feel at home as in no other place. My sins, my defects, my quirks are known to Him. There is no secret, nothing to be embarrassed about, no place to hide. I believe with all my failings, I have never been afraid to come to Him. In fact, I have run to Him and He has been there for me.”

     Where else on this earth are we loved like this?  

     We need to prioritize our time, adjust our schedules, and be willing to make any sacrifice needed, in order to receive Jesus in Holy Communion, and spend time with Him in Adoration. It is only by doing this, that we will get to know Him, and in getting to know Him, we will come to love Him, and in loving Him, we will come to love ourselves and others.

     This Christmas season, as you gaze upon Jesus in the manger, ask Him for the graces needed to receive Him more frequently in Holy Communion and visit Him more often in Adoration. Our sweet Jesus waits patiently for us in the Eucharist, to fill us with His love and His life. May we begin to see our poverty and neediness, and run swiftly to Him. Recognizing His Divine Presence here on earth, we readily accept His love, and love Him in return.

     O come, let us adore Him!      

1 comment:

  1. O come, let us adore Him. Amen!! Merry Christmas Avia Joy, thank you for making a difference in my life and the lives of all who read your blog!
