Holiness does not come easily. It is an impossible task to carry out on our own. We often forget our weaknesses and become discouraged when we fail. We think we should be able to accomplish the resolutions we’ve made, and when we don’t, we beat ourselves up. Our pride blinds us, making us believe we should be able to do it with our own strength. We had been doing so well. What happened? We really thought we had finally overcome our weakness, but then the fall!
“Whoever thinks he is standing secure should take care not to fall” (1Cor 10 vs 12).
We must not become full of pride, and take our eyes from God. See His love, allowing it to fill you. Cling to Him. Depend upon Him and His grace to sustain you. Give yourself a break! Realize you are a just a little child – unable to do anything by yourself. You must depend upon God for the strength and the virtue to accomplish each and every task. But God, upon whom you are depending, is your Papa, who knows your strengths and your weaknesses. He loves each effort you make and does not expect perfection, but faithfulness. He wants to take you by the hand and lead you every step of the way.
When you fall, cry out to God. Wait. He will come to lift you up. Allow Him to hold you in His arms and soothe your wounded pride. Tell Him your struggles. Reveal your weaknesses and frustrations. He knows them already, yet loves you passionately. Tell God you’re sorry and ask for His help. Soak in His love and encouragement. This will allow you to begin again. Realize you have a companion on the journey!
Knowing we’re not alone, when faced with the fatigue of our minds and bodies, we will not rebel. Instead we will realize that this is the road to sanctity. We must call upon God to pour down His gifts of patience and perseverance. Looking at this situation as a way to grow in virtue will enable us to continue.
As impossible as it seems, becoming a saint is something that God wants for each of us. God cannot will something that is impossible. We must believe that with God’s grace and our cooperation, this can be a reality. Looking at the long picture, we will be discouraged. Life can be difficult and challenging at times. We must take it one day at a time, trying to do our best; when life is burdensome, one moment at a time.
Sainthood is not achieved overnight. It takes daily living, our day in and day out lives, with all the ups and downs, doing our best – depending upon God for His help. Because of our weakness and woundedness, we will not always succeed. Although we should not be complacent about our failures, we must not allow them to hold us down. We need to learn to use them to our advantage. They will be part of us till the day we die.
A saint is not someone who never failed, but someone who, responding to the grace of God, kept getting back up. A saint is someone who never forgot their identity as son or daughter of a loving God – expecting everything from Him, as they strove to become steadfast, with the help of God’s grace. A saint is someone who persevered to the end, trusting in God’s love, grace and mercy.
“You need endurance to do the will of God and receive what He has promised” (Heb 10 vs 36).
“O God, by whose grace though sinners, we are made just and, though pitiable, made blessed, stand, we pray, by Your works, stand by Your gifts, that those justified by faith may not lack the courage of perseverance. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for the Fifth Week of Easter-Thursday)
Become a saint!
Amen, Avia Joy. That is a tall order, but with the help of God, something very attainable!!!