For those of us, who first learned about the resurrection of Christ at our mother’s knee, it is a very familiar story. It could therefore, be heard so often we do not experience the impact that this amazing and wonderful act of God should have upon us.
Prior to the resurrection, the apostles and disciples had just experienced what was probably, the worst days of their lives. The man whom they had left everything to follow, believing Him to be the promised Messiah, they denied or betrayed. Jesus had been handed over to the authorities to suffer humiliations and physical abuse and then was condemned to death – death on a cross.
Even though Jesus had tried to prepare His followers for these events, they were not prepared. They thought it was all over. They did not understand.
Jesus, well aware of their confusion, doubts and fears, comes to give His peace and reassurance. No one had ever before, on their own power, risen from the dead. Yet, there He was standing in their midst, proving to them that He was flesh and blood; revealing to them His now glorified wounds: the precious wounds by which they would be healed and redeemed. He opened their minds to the scriptures to show them how everything had been fulfilled. He was indeed, the promised Messiah, and they were to announce this to the world. They were to leave their doubts and fears and live differently. A life now filled with hope – a life completely new with the resurrection of their Lord and their God!
As men and women of faith, we should be strengthened by the good news of the resurrection of Christ. Jesus suffered, died, and rose from the dead to bring us the grace and hope to live radically different from unbelievers around us. Are we living our lives witnessing to the hope of the risen Jesus, or are we poor witnesses to unbelievers?
The good news of the resurrection is that Christ opened heaven for us. This life on earth is the first scene of our lives. Through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, the second and final scene will be played out in eternity. Our destination is heaven. To reach this goal, we need to cooperate with God’s grace, uniting our works with Christ’s.
As pilgrims in this fallen world, with all its ups and downs, we need to keep the hope of heaven, foremost in our minds, encouraging us to take the next step and give it our best. Recalling the resurrection of Christ and His promise to be with us always, can be the very thing to lift us up when we are tempted to give in to fear or discouragement.
Like the disciples, Jesus is in our midst to help and guide us. He is there with His peace, offering it to us as we deal with the myriad of challenges of daily living. He holds out the hope that we are not alone. We cannot know this if we do not make the time and effort to look and listen for Him.
Start by setting aside bits of time in your day to speak with God. Save some of this time to be silent, so you can hear His still small voice. God also speaks to us through Holy Scripture. Pray to the Holy Spirit to open you mind to receive His Word. Read scripture each day. You can follow the rhythm of the Church by doing the daily Mass readings. God’s Word is His love letter to us. Cherish it!
By delving into God’s Word, it will transform the way we live our lives. It has the power to change us from the inside out. We will become more like Christ as we bring the love of God to others.
You may be the only Bible some people read. The way you live your life does count. Imitate Jesus. Get past your complacency and offer hope to those in need. People in our world are yearning to know there is more than what this life has to offer. Let them see the hope of heaven by the way you live. Love them with the radical unconditional love of God. It is the way to turn their hearts to God and will keep us on that narrow path that will lead to heaven.
May the hope of the resurrection of Jesus and the promise of heaven transform your life. May it bring about a little bit of heaven right here on earth!
"Sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts. Always ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence" (1 Pt 3 vs 15-16b).
You are being the voice of God for me Avia Joy. He is using you to bring me back (more faithfully) to my quiet time. "Be still and know that I am God" is reverberating in my mind, heart and spirit thanks to you!!! I thank you also for bringing to life the scripture verse from first Peter. I have read that verse multiple times, but it has now come alive in the reading!!!