So often, when we are faced with violent storms in our lives, we are filled with fear and dread! Like the disciples, our focus is on the wind, the crashing waves and the trashing of our little boat. We wait, expecting Jesus to intervene, but nothing happens to quell the storm in our hearts, minds and souls. We feel frightened and fear that we will be capsized into the deep, dark, ominous sea!
As our fear mounts, we finally shout out to God. It seems to us that He has been sleeping. Is He unaware of our current situation? Does He really love us? Do we really matter to Him?
Scripture tells us over and over again that we are loved and precious to our God. “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jer 31:3). “I have called you and you are Mine” (Is 43:1b). “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Joshua 1:5).
In times of trouble, it seems as if we forget that very truth! Like the disciples we call out to Jesus, “Can’t You see that we are perishing? Wake up! Why are You sleeping when I need You?”
Jesus’ reply to us is the same, “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?”
His words make our hearts sink. We do not want to be of little faith. We know that Jesus is God and is always with us. But, in our humanity, we forget and fall into the sea of doubt. We forget we are God’s little children, and expect far too much from ourselves. We need to recall our littleness and do what children do when they are afraid – go and cling to Jesus.
As a parent of five, many a night, one of my children would crawl into bed with me when they awoke and were frightened. I did not chastise or send them back to their room. I allowed them to cuddle with me and held them tight until the fear faded away. They felt safe and would fall asleep in my arms.
Do the same with Jesus. When the storms of life come and you feel as though He is asleep, instead of calling out to Him in desperation, run to Him. Let Him continue to sleep. Gaze upon Him with love. Cuddle up next to Him. Feel His strength. Feel His comfort. Place your head on His chest and listen to His sacred Heart -- beating with love for you. Maybe He’ll awaken and put His arms around You. Allow Him to do so. Whisper to Him all your worries and concerns. Remember that His is God and will give you the grace that you need to navigate through any storm – no matter how severe. Relax, realizing you are loved and cared about. Like a little child, fall asleep in Jesus’ arms – the strong arms that were stretched out on the cross to prove His great love for you. Experience the great calm, knowing you are not alone.
Experiencing storms is going to happen to all of us, as we navigate the sea of life here on earth. Keep your eyes on Jesus, awake or asleep: He is the God of the universe, who is aware of everything and can quiet any storm. Remain little. As Jesus looks upon you with His love, allow Him to lift you above the storm, where the sky is blue and the sun is shining.
But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me.” “Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you. See, upon the palms of My hands I have written your name” (Is 49:14-15).
Such a comforting picture…running to the sleeping Jesus. Snuggling beside Him & resting our head on His most Sacred Heart Will quiet our fears. The next time I am frightened, I will think of this image and find much comfort. Thank you!