The music, the prayers, the multitude of young and old alike, lifting their hearts and minds to God in praise and thanksgiving for His Mother, filled my being with joy! The hymns that were sung stirred childhood memories which brought sweet tears to my eyes. I was grateful to God for the gift of His Mother and the love that we've shared all these years.
As I approached the meat department, I caught sight of a friend who also had children in our school. We greeted one another and I remarked how beautiful the May procession had been, and asked her if she was able to attend.
“I don’t do that Mary thing.”
My friend’s words stunned me! In fact, I couldn't even respond at that moment, but as I walked around the supermarket, her words keep playing over in my mind. I felt like a sword pierced my heart, or like I got kicked in the stomach! Having devotion to Our Lady was not about doing, but about relationship and love.
I can’t even recall a time in my life that Our Lady was not a part of it. I was dedicated to her at my birth and my relationship with Our Lady grew as my faith did, and although I loved my earthly mother very much, my Heavenly Mother never disappointed me or let me down.
When I became a mother myself, it was Our Lady who I depended so much to guide me in mothering my children and I wasted no time in introducing her and her Dear Son Jesus to them. Being a mother was often filled with joy, while at other times it was very challenging. And like most of life, it could also be mundane and very ordinary. I found much comfort in knowing that Our Lady was a wife and mother just like me and that that is how God called her to holiness. I did not need to do great things for God, but to do all things for God with love.
Throughout my life, I have depended on my heavenly Mother’s help when I felt unsure or uncertain about a parenting situation or when life did not proceed as I imagined. Mary’s life did not proceed as she had expected, but she took all of life’s questions and pondered them in her heart with deep faith and trust in God…a lesson that I am still trying to live. Entrusting my children to Mary and knowing that she would accompany my children on their life’s journey, most especially when I could not be present with them, bought me much peace and serenity.
Having Our Lady to stand by me as I bore my crosses, has been a gift that I am eternally grateful for and upon which I have come to depend.
All of these thoughts ruminated within me as I tried to do my food shopping. As I met up with my friend in the last aisle, I shared my thoughts with her and told her that I would be praying for her and not to be surprised if, one day, she decided to do “that Mary thing!”
God bless you Avia Joy for giving such a beautiful witness to our Blessed Mother to your friend! That is NOT an easy thing to do and you were obviously prompted by your great love for her and the urging of the Holy Spirit (Sasha). May your deed be for each of us a shining example to mimic in our daily lives.