We LONG to rest in God: To abandon ourselves completely and forever to His will. It is something we have been yearning for, but struggling to do for such a long time.
It seems as if we are moving along fairly well, and then it happens -- An incident that rocks us to the ground! It’s either something we didn't expect, or something we hoped wouldn't happen. But there we are, flat on our faces, shaking our heads in disbelief.
The questions to God then begin. “Why Lord? Why? I don’t understand this. Why does life have to be so difficult?”
With our initial questions out of the way, we can move into the next phase. “Papa, please help me! I want so much to try to fix this situation, but I know that I am not able. I have learned from the past that You are trying to teach me to trust You. You have given me so much practice these many years, and yet my initial reaction is to doubt or question. I am just your little one. Please, help me Papa. Help me!”
When we are able to move to this stage, we will find we are opening ourselves to receiving the graces to trust, and possibly surrender. Ceasing to act, or doing nothing, takes a heck of a lot of grace and power. It means stopping our thoughts, words, and actions when we want to take over the situation and solve the problem. We try our best not to allow the temptation, of strolling down the road of our imagination, to what could happen. Instead, we pray, “My Jesus, I trust in You,” over and over again, as many times as needed. Sighing is something that also comes at this stage. It’s like a physical handing over of the situation, knowing we need to pray, possibly fast, be patient, and wait for God to act.
We must come to realize, that even when nothing appears to have changed, we need to trust that God is in fact, doing something. Working on wounded hearts is a long and delicate process, so we are called to believe that the Divine Physician is about His business.
Handing over the future to God’s will is not a simple thing for us to do, but one that will make our lives more peace filled. The thought of truly being able to rest in God, is so attractive for our hectic, burdened lives, that we must make it a priority.
Let us ask St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, to not only intercede for us, but to take us by the hand and lead the way to full surrender.
O' St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, please intercede for us to trust more easily and fully surrender to God's will. We are so weak and foolish to think that we know a better way. We pray for the grace to let go and let God! Thank you, once again Avia Joy for your touching...yet challenging words of wisdom.