Thursday, October 23, 2014

Opening The Eyes Of Our Hearts

     “When I come to a human heart in Holy Communion, My hands are full of many graces, which I want to give to you. But souls do not even pay any attention to Me … Oh, how sad I am that you do not recognize My Love!” Our Lord to St. Faustina

     It should break our hearts that so many show indifference to Our Lord in His great gift of Love in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Even those of us who love Jesus very much and receive Him daily, are not always fully aware of His great Presence.

     Do we take the time to “quiet our souls,” to truly actualize just Who we are about to receive into our hearts? Before receiving Jesus, do we prepare our hearts by asking Our Lady to come into them and make them a worthy place for Him to abide? Do we ask St. Joseph to come in and clean our hearts as he did the stable long ago? Do we take the time to ask Father, Son and Spirit for forgiveness for all the ways we have offended Them?

     After receiving Jesus, having already invited Mary into our hearts, we can pray, “Dear Jesus, I give you your Mother. Dear Mary, I give Your Son. May Your hearts be one with mine so I may bring Your love, joy and peace to all.”

     This is now the time to love and adore Our Lord: To tell Him just how much we love Him and thank Him for this great gift of our being one with Him in Holy Communion. We should also praise and give Him glory for all our blessings. We should tell Jesus all our cares and concerns, and thank Him for His faithfulness to us.

     We should call to mind the great humility of our dear sweet Jesus, Who comes to us in such a loving way. To ponder the idea that our good God has kept His promise to be with us till the end of time, by being present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament, should feel our hearts with love overflowing. The fact that Jesus waits for us to be one with Him by abiding in us in Holy Communion, is an idea that only a selfless God could have conceived.

     Our Jesus waits in silence to give us graces that we need to navigate through our lives, and we are often oblivious to His gifts. We must make a greater effort to recognize just what Our Lord is doing for us by sacrificing Himself once again, in His total self giving in the Eucharist. We must open the eyes of our hearts and see the gift that Jesus holds out for us and vanish any complacency on our part.

     Let us ask Jesus for forgiveness for the times when we have taken Him for granted in this Sacrament of Love. May we always remember that after receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, He is physically present within us for fifteen minutes. Let us spend that time loving Him and doing our best to take away His sadness. We must also beg our guardian angel to nudge us when we forget to give Jesus the attention He so deserves. May Jesus purify our hearts and make of us a Tabernacle so we may bring His Love to all we meet.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear sweet Jesus, please forgive me for all the times I looked around to see who was at Mass or thought about what I was doing later. Thank you for bringing this to our attention Avia Joy. Too often we forget just who the guest of our soul truly is. What a great idea to ask our guardian angels for a little nudge to remember.
