Sunday, December 10, 2017

He IS Present -- Even in the Mess

     It was the first Sunday of Advent. I was ahead of schedule with Christmas preparations this year, so why was I feeling so burdened?

     I prayed for guidance.

      My Pastor’s homily at Mass that morning, told a story about a fictional parish where the pastor received a call from his school’s principle. She demanded that he drop everything and come immediately over to her office. He’d never believe what awaited him.

     Heeding the principal’s words, he headed over. They were all looking out the window to the school yard. The children were at recess and there among them, was Jesus! He was speaking and interacting with the children. They were responding and engaged in dialogue with Him, laughing and smiling.

     As the adults watched, Jesus began to head toward the steps that led to the principal’s office. The adults began to panic! “What should we do,” they shouted! “Look busy,” someone suggested. So, they did.

     Father talked about how this can be a crazy and hectic time of the year, and as adults, we think we need to be busy. And truth be told, we do. But in our busyness, we sometimes can miss Christ when He comes to greet us.

     In the Gospel, Jesus told us to be watchful and alert! We do not know just when He will come to greet us. He IS always present to us, but too often we forget this and try instead to “conjure Him out of a hat,” like a magician.

     It was becoming evident to me that I was trying too hard to make my Advent special—to make Jesus present – (my time, my choice of place, my thoughts, my conversation) -- to manufacture peace or some sort of “feeling” that I believed I was lacking! I was trying to do what I could to make it a “spiritual experience.” Because I did not feel like I was succeeding, my frustration continued!

     Later that week, I attended an event where I could focus on my advent journey. The speaker talked about her experience in the Holy Land at the Grotto of the Nativity. It was her job to make it a “spiritual experience” for the pilgrims who were there.

     On that particular day of her pilgrimage, it was very hot, noisy and crowded. People were talking, shouting and some were even fighting. She was feeling very burdened because it was not what she had been expecting.

     She began to pray: “Lord, please help us. I want this to be a wonderful experience for these pilgrims. Please do what You can to make it special for them.”

     As she finished her prayer, it occurred to her that this was probably just the way it was on the night of Christ’s’ birth.

     Bethlehem was full of people who probably were noisy and fighting for a place to stay. Joseph and Mary had to go to the stable because of the crowd. It wasn’t quite what you would call the “ideal” situation, or what we’d see as a setting for a “spiritual experience.” But this was REAL LIFE! God had allowed it and He WAS present there among all the mess!

      As I listened to her words, I felt a great weight lifted from my shoulders. Like her, I had been trying to orchestrate the perfect Advent to welcome Christ.

     I was so busy trying to create it that, like the adults in the principal’s office, I was missing Jesus who was present, in all the busyness and activities in which I was participating.

     I did not have to change my activities, but be watchful and alert to the presence of Christ. I needed to look for Him in unexpected places and unexpected ways. Our God is a God of surprises. He comes in ways and places where we least expect to find Him.

     Join me, once again, and journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. Our time is shorter this year. The Fourth Sunday of Advent will, by evening, be Christmas Eve!

     Delay no longer. Climb on the donkey with Mary, and wrap your arms around her tummy, heavy laden with the baby Jesus. Speak to them about your worries and concerns. Share with them your hopes and dreams. Tell them about your great love for them!

     At times, get off the donkey and walk with Joseph. Reveal to him your deepest fears! Give him your loved ones with all the baggage that goes along with them. God trusted Him to care for Jesus and Mary. He will care for your family as well.

     Trust God that His plan for you is perfect – with all the joys and sorrows, struggles and exhilarations, and unexpected twists and turns. Look for Him, in all the busyness of life and expect that He IS there. Let go of your expectations of how you think things SHOULD BE, and accept WHAT Is, realizing God IS present.

     No one expected the Son of God to be born in a stable, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, but that is what happened.

    Expect God in the unexpected and open your heart to His presence!

    He will give you His peace.


  1. Wow!!!! This is so dead on Avia Joy! How many of us get caught up in the busyness and chaos of life and miss Jesus among us. Thank you for always being willing to share your spiritual life with us, it is always so helpful on the journey! Maranatha - Help us to recognize Him please!!!

  2. This especially spoke to me right now...finding peace, hope, joy, his presence... in the busyness and chaos that is life right now! Thank you! xo
