Saturday, November 18, 2017

No, No, Nervous Nellie!

     I’m not what you would call a “nervous Nelly.” In fact, most of the time, I am peace filled. I think it’s partly because of the disposition with which God blessed me, as well as my strong relationship with God and my dependence upon Him.

     That being said, there is an area in my life with which I struggle to hand over to God and find difficult not to want to FIX IT MYSELF!
    When this situation presents itself, I go into my “what can I do to make this better” mode.

     I know from past experiences this does not work! I don’t know all the ins and outs of the situation and it’s really not my job to intrude. Nevertheless, the temptation to believe that I can make it better, appears to me as something prudent.

     I rehearse conversations, along with the responses I’m hoping to receive and, in the world of my imagination, all is right with the world once again!

      It is at that moment that reality and truth (the Holy Spirit), come knocking at the door of my mind to wake me up! “THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA! YOU NEED TO TALK THIS OUT WITH SOMEONE. DO NOT PROCEED AHEAD! THERE ARE CAUTION SIGNS ALL AROUND! TURN AROUND AND HAND IT OVER TO GOD!”

     That’s exactly where I was with a situation a few weeks ago. I had traveled down the road of my imagination and had played out all the scenarios that could evolve from the situation that was troubling me. I wanted so badly to do something about it, but knew I needed an uninvolved party to present my case.

     I called my sister Rachael to talk things through. After listening to me, she reminded me of the challenge we were suppose to be practicing from our book study* and how it would be perfect for this situation.

     I had forgotten all about it and had to look it up. This is what I found: Put the following passage into action: I promise You, Jesus, to worry about nothing consciously, voluntarily, deliberately. As soon as I find myself worrying, I shall listen to Your gentle voice saying to me, “Let Me do it. Am I not here with you, in you?” and I shall say unconditionally, “O Jesus, I thank You for everything,” for You always expect that of me.

     As I read and prayed the words, I found myself moving to a “better place” emotionally. My peace was not yet restored, so I prayed it again and again.

     Each time I prayed it, I was able to hand the situation back to God. I found that the little practice helped me, because it was SOMETHING I COULD DO to help my feeling of helplessness. There was power in this little exercise! Rachel directed me to the tool which helped the situation, as well as myself. I was grateful for her insight and thanked her.

     I have made it a practice to pray this exercise any time I am tempted to worry about something. It may not necessarily change my situation, but it changes something within me and moves me in the direction toward peace.

    Navigating in our fallen world is not always easy. We all operate from our woundedness. We need to stop and take time to be with the One who can truly help and heal us.

     Go to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Ask Him to give you His love and His peace. Give Him all of your worries and concerns. He is God and you are not. Allow Him to do things His way. Accept your helplessness and embrace it. When we can truly depend upon God and His love and goodness, we will be less burdened with life’s events.

     And one day, through the grace of God, we will be able to say, “O Jesus, I thank You for everything.”

     “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life. Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? O you of little faith. So, do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear?’ All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom (of God) and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.                                                                                                                      Mt 6: 25, 27, 30--33
*I Believe in Love by Father Jean C.J. d’Elbee  

1 comment:

  1. Oh Avia Joy,this is such a wonderful blog! How many times do we find ourselves trying to orchestrate the difficult situations in our lives? How often do we think we can handle it by ourselves. That is the best exercise and so simple! Dear God, please give us the wisdom and grace to turn everything over to Your most capable,loving hands.
