Monday, September 11, 2017

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

     I don’t often pray for fair weather, but in this situation, I felt as though I should.

     We had planned an “end of summer BBQ” and had chosen the day which would work best for us to host.

     Several days before the event, while heading into the chapel, I received a text from one of the guests: Would you consider changing the date because the weather was not going to be nice on Sunday? Monday was going to be sunny and hot. The children would enjoy themselves much more if they could go swimming in the nicer weather.

     Hmm. I thought. What should I do? Of course, I’d prefer it to be a nicer day. I always did my best to make it nice for our guests. When I left the chapel, I texted that I’d have to talk to my husband and get back to them.

     When I arrived home, Johnathan was there. I told him about the request to change the date. There were many factors to consider, the weather being only one of them.

     Our thoughts turned to our guests. We wondered about the guests who were coming, whether they’d still be able to make it if we changed the day. In checking with them, we discovered we would lose a good number of people. They told us to do what was best for the majority, although they’d be disappointed, if they were unable to attend. We felt torn, and decided to look more fully into the weather forecast: Sunday, rainy all morning, possibly clearing up in the late afternoon – or by early evening anyway. Monday, hot and sunny.

     Oh boy! This was getting difficult. It was at that point that Johnathan remembered that he would have a very busy day at work on Tuesday. If we hosted the day before, He would not have the energy he’d need for work. I too, had a big commitment on Tuesday and would not be free to finish the big clean-up – inside and outside—that follows after a BBQ.

     No. Even though the weather might be better, Monday was not going to work!

     The decision was made. I sent out a text: BBQ on Sunday. I’ll put in for good weather.

     Now the pressure was on! Although it wasn’t exactly spelled out, people who received it knew I was talking about depending upon the power of prayer.

     Most of our guests saw prayer as something worthwhile and would join in the petition. A few however, are unbelievers. I felt as though I was really making myself vulnerable and was apprehensive!

      Weather is so unpredictable!

     This summer when we had outside events, I had put Our Lady in charge of the weather and she had come through with flying colors! I knew she could do it again. After all, I was stepping out in faith. This was an opportunity to show unbelievers the power of prayer. Mary had intervened at Cana for the couple. She would intercede for us as well!

     The rain began Saturday evening. On Sunday morning, it was still pouring. That’s okay, I thought. People are not coming till 3 o’clock. There’s still plenty of time for things to clear up.

     It was now mid-morning: Rain and more rain, wind, with black stormy clouds. Along with my own observations, I was getting the blow by blow weather report from my husband. I was trying to believe it could all turn around, but I was discouraged. I decided to put out a text to some of my prayer warriors to pray a little harder. I was faltering and needed some prayer reinforcements. I wanted this event to show the power of prayer and then give all the glory to God.

     By noon, it started to look like it was trying to clear up, but by 12:30, it was raining again. We couldn’t cancel now. We would have to just have it, good weather or not. I had to go to the store for a few things and decided to call my sister Rachel for a quick prayer to help lift my faith. I also made a visit to the chapel for some additional strength.

     Returning from the store, I sat in my family room. The rain had stopped, but the clouds were big and black. The wind was blowing. It seemed like it was an impossibility for things to turn around.

     At that point, I surrendered it over to Our Lord and Our Lady. There was nothing I could do to change matters. I had asked in prayer and had to accept whatever happened. I was well aware that we don’t always get what we ask for, but that God always hears our prayers and does what is best. He gives us the grace to deal with whatever we are faced with. It was only weather we were talking about here – not some life threating request.

     I knew in my head, regardless of the outcome, that God was good – that He had heard me. But because I had made my request know to so many, I didn’t want God to be secretly laughed at, or having Faith, seen as something foolish. I had stepped out in faith by sticking with my scheduled day, and now I was called to trust the outcome to God!

     Little by little, the wind died down. The big black clouds disappeared. The sky became as blue as Our Lady’s mantle, which was a specific request I had made. The sun began to shine like it had been out all day!

     When our first guests arrived, it was a glorious day! When Rachel came, we gave glory to God! We spoke about the challenge it was to hold on to faith because everything pointed to disbelief that it could turn around. Our Lady had come through once again!

     That evening, as I did my quiet prayer time, I thanked God and Our Lady for the wonderful day! I thanked God for showing me that even in the most direr of circumstances, when things look like they just can’t get better, they often do. Even when things do not change as I like, God is still faithful and loving, pouring out the graces needed.

     My heart filled with joy! I thanked them both again for turning the weather around, so that possibly, a little seed was planted in the souls of the unbelievers who attended our gathering.

      That was the true aim of my prayer! It really had nothing to do with weather. It was the prayer of hope, that faith may be born in the souls of those who do not yet know and love God.

     May God and His Sweet Mother, nourish and water that seed of faith. May it grow to bring love, honor and glory to God!

1 comment:

  1. Amen Avia Joy!!! What an excellent testimony to trust and faith! God is good and even in our darkest times, we need to our faith…regardless of the wind and storm!
