“We must all grow in a clear conviction of our duty to be holy as Jesus is holy. Holiness is one of the most beautiful gifts a human heart can offer to God. We should serve Jesus in His poor by doing for them the things we would like to do for Him. This is where sanctity is hidden for us: in knowing Jesus, in loving Jesus in the people around us. If we do this, we will become professionals in holiness.” St. Teresa of Calcutta
We are all called to be holy – to become another Christ, to be selfless and centered on someone, other than ourselves. Mother Teresa tells us that one of the ways we can do this, is by serving Jesus in the poor, by doing things for them that we would like to do for Him.
Because most of us do not have the opportunity to serve the poor as Mother Teresa did, we may think that this takes us off the hook. It does not!
St. Teresa is clear that serving Jesus in the poor, is serving the very people who are around us – the people whom we come in contact, day in and day out: our family, our friends, strangers, our colleagues, people who work in the grocery and department stores, and everyone we meet!
Seeing the hidden Jesus in everyone is often difficult for us. We can deceive ourselves into thinking that He really can’t be present in that person with whom we struggle, or in that grouchy so and so. It’s difficult to see Jesus in people whom we judge to be unlike Him; those who are curt, unkind, or unkempt. No, Jesus couldn’t be there!
We can also forget that Jesus is in our children, our spouses, our friends and neighbors. Jesus is right there, waiting for us to recognize Him – to give Him our love and our heart. We don’t always see Him and miss the opportunity to grow in holiness. We fool ourselves by thinking that holiness would be easier achieved by running off to Calcutta to serve the poor, rather than serving those God has placed in our midst.
Do not fret! With Advent upon us, we are entering into one of the greatest times, filled with countless opportunities to put this into practice. Advent is a time to ready our hearts for Jesus. It’s a time to open our hearts and welcome Him. It’s when we get to put on the eyes of our heart and look for Him, in each and every person we meet. Unlike the people of Bethlehem, we do not want to send Him away because we did not recognize Him.
So, while we’re out shopping, see the face of Jesus, while at home, see the face of Jesus, at work or in the car, see the face of Jesus, or in whomever we’re with, see the face of Jesus. Force yourself to believe, especially when it is in ordinary or difficult circumstances. Then, with your vision adjusted, give Jesus a kind word, smile or your love. It won’t be easy, but with God’s help, it is possible. Don’t waste an opportunity! Use this time to practice, practice, practice – it does not come natural for most of us.
There will be many times when you’ll forget, or when it will be a stretch to see Jesus because He is wearing a distressing disguise. But, be patient with yourself, realizing that it will take some time and practice till your vision is changed. Although reaching holiness is not easy, it is God’s will for us and is the most beautiful gift our human heart can offer to Him. God will help you! Ask for His assistance.
Each day when you arise, ask the Holy Spirit to help you see Christ in all you will meet that day. Ask Mary to give you her heart to love, her eyes to see, and her words to speak to all. Beg for the openness to accept the graces that God showers upon you each day to grow in awareness and holiness. Pray to Mother Teresa to intercede for you that you may grow in holiness, by doing all the things for others, that you would like to do for Jesus.
Like St. Teresa of Calcutta, you will become a professional in holiness!
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers, you did for Me” (Mt 25:40).
Avia Joy, you make it sound so simple! In concept, it is...but when reality creeps in, the devil has a field day with your negative imagery! Lord Jesus, please help me to see you in everyone I meet, especially the ones I want to shun!