Take this journey of mine up the perilous face of my cliff. How many hours of weakness and despair have had to be endured in making that climb, hours of sheer helplessness, of doubt, not knowing which was the best course. How is it that conditions suddenly get distorted, their balance disturbed and their threads twisted and entangled, producing a pattern far from our intention and quite beyond our power to unravel?
No one can escape the hour of temptation. It is only in that hour that we begin to sense our weakness and have a faint inkling of the vital decisions we are expected to make. If only I can manage to keep a hold on this perilous perch and not faint and let go.
I have committed my soul to God and I rely on the help of my friends.” Father Alfred Delp, S.J.
Oh the wisdom of Father Delp’s words! How often the phrase, “lead us not into temptation,” passes mindlessly through our lips. We have become so adept to praying the “Our Father” that the words have lost the meaning that Jesus intended. Christ was very deliberate in composing this prayer and did not haphazardly add this phrase without the knowledge of our need.
As we are all aware, life can change suddenly! Change can come from a myriad of circumstances: diagnosis of a serious illness, accidents, relationship problems, death of a loved one, job loss, addictions, financial problems and who knows what else?
Our life was moving along smoothly, and BAM! Everything is changed! It seems like our little world is spinning out of control and there is nothing we can do to stop it. We do not like feeling this way and long to turn back the hands of time. We want to retreat to what we knew as normal, even if it wasn’t perfect – it’s still better than what we are facing presently.
We realize we can’t run to the past, so mentally we go to the future instead. Quite often our imagination is worse than what our future may hold and these imaginings increase the fear that is already growing within.
This is when we need to pray those words. “Lead us not into temptation” -- over and over again if necessary. It’s when we have to return to the present moment and assure ourselves that if God has allowed this, it must be for our greater good. We must stay in the present moment, where the grace of God is available to us. We have to remind ourselves that we and our loved ones are loved by God. He is our Papa. He is with us. We are not alone!
The devil does not want you to believe this. He will do his best to torment you into thinking badly about God. This is the very temptation that devil wants you to believe and accept. He wants to use it to rupture your trust in the love and faithfulness of God. He wants you to be inundated with fear and hopelessness. He will not give up easily, so you must fight back!
Unite yourself to God in prayer. Beg for His help! Call good spiritual friends to pray with you and for you and your intention. Make sacrifices for your situation. Unite your suffering and the suffering of your loved ones to Christ. Don’t waste this opportunity to receive all the grace that God has to offer.
When you are tempted to believe all is lost, pray, “Jesus I surrender myself to You. Take care of everything.” Begin to pray “the Novena of Surrender.” It is short, sweet and powerful. You can look it up on the internet and print it out for a time of temptation. Have scripture verses handy, which will combat the battle you are undergoing. It is what Jesus did and He was God! Our Lady Undoer of Knots is also a powerful novena.
It is in the times of great difficulties and challenges that we see ourselves for what we are -- a weak, helpless creature of God – but God is our Father who will never abandon us. He will give us the grace to endure whatever comes our way. We need to believe this truth. When a storm arises in our lives, cry out and cling to Papa! He will give us what we need to be victorious. He will send an angel to assist us just as He did for His Son, Jesus.
“When the just cry out, the Lord hears them, and from all their distress He rescues them. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; and those who are crushed in spirit He saves” (Ps 34 vs 18-19).
Wow, Avia Joy that is a powerful blog! How wonderful to recall that Jesus Himself was tempted and the Father sent an angel to be with Him in the garden. What comfort in thinking that He too will send an angel to be with us in our personal garden (wherever it may be). The words from Psalm 34 are equally comforting. Thank you for sharing the ideas of reciting the Novena of Surrender and/or Our Lady Undoer of Knots, two of my personal favorites!