Saturday, June 24, 2017

Ocean of Love

     “The Divine Heart is an ocean full of all good things, wherein poor souls can cast all their needs; it is an ocean full of joy to drown all our sadness, an ocean of humility to drown our folly, and ocean of mercy to those in distress, and ocean of love in which to submerge our poverty.”                                                                                                             Saint Margaret Mary

     Jesus Christ, true God and true man -- the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, has a human heart! He loves each and every one of us, as no human person ever has or will. He loves us so much that He became man, lived on this earth, suffered a cruel death, and allowed His heart to be pierced.

     Before His death, Jesus gave us Himself in the Eucharist, so we would continue to experience His love here earth. Jesus knew that we would need Him on our earthly journey. He looks for us, so as to bestow upon us, His love and grace, without which we would perish. He longs and desires that we come to Him, in the Blessed Sacrament, and dive into the ocean of love of His Sacred and Divine Heart.

     Christ knows our neediness and our poverty. He sees our wounds and knows our pain. Jesus sees us as we truly are, yet loves us unconditionally! We struggle with this truth. It is difficult for us to fathom such love. We who love poorly, make judgements, don’t trust God completely, and fall short on many fronts. We are a mess!

     The reality of our faults and weaknesses, may cause us to want to hold ourselves aloof from God. We may make the judgement that we are being selfish and self-centered when we visit Jesus to beg Him for His grace and His mercy, recalling in the past, times when our visits seemed purely out of our great love for Him.

     Has our love for God waned? Would we still be coming if our hearts were cold for God? If we did not love God, would we make the effort to come before Him, once again, humbly pleading for the graces that we need? I don’t believe so. We come because somewhere in the depths of our being, we KNOW to WHOM we need to run!

     Jesus Himself told us, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For My yoke is easy, and my burden light” (Mt 11:28-30).

     Jesus revealed to St. Margaret Mary, the great depths of His love for us and the yearning He has for our love. He told her how forgotten and rejected He felt. Jesus cried out in pain to St. Margaret Mary, for all the ways He is disdained in this great Sacrament of Love. He wants us to come to Him and never stay away. Cling to Him! Jesus desires that we realize the extent of His love and the riches that are contained in His Sacred Heart. Do not forsake or forget our dear sweet Jesus! His heart is aching for our presence!

     Never allow your imperfections and sins to keep you away. Turn to Him and dive into the treasures His Sacred Heart holds for you!

     Cast all of your needs and come away with a peaceful spirit. Accept the joy that is His, and quell your sorrow. Surrender your wicked and foolish ways, and put on Christ’s garment of humility. Receive His mercy when the distress of life seems overwhelming. Be receptive and open to the sea of His love when pride tempts you to run the other way. It is because of the depth of our poverty, that we are in such great need of His Most Sacred Heart!

     Don’t go with empty hands. Drop all of your joys, sorrows and desires in a big box. Wrap it up with a beautiful bow and leave them there with Jesus. Then sit there with Him and allow the powerful love of His Sacred Heart to permeate every fiber of your being. Allow yourself to be the poor beggar that you are, and receive the riches of the King—the King of Love – the King of Hearts!

     Jesus meek and humble of hearts, make my heart like unto Thine!

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!!!!!! How beautifully written Avia Joy. You painted such a beautiful picture in our minds in your last paragraph. As I close my eyes, I can envision the beautiful rays of love, mercy, grace and healing pouring into my unworthy soul. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You!
