Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Immense Dignity

     “There is a space formed by the particular shape of our life. It is meant for God Himself to indwell. This must be felt as a lack . . . and it comes about through daily circumstances. It may be caused by a cavern of a lonely heart, the ache of a lost one, the yearning that comes from ‘not yet being home.’ In truth, we are to glory in this emptiness – for it is the price we pay for such an immense dignity. To wait in courage for God to fill our particular emptiness is one of the most profound of love’s acts.”     
                                                                                                                       Ed Colin 

     Life, with all its’ bells and whistles, hopes and desires, people and possessions cannot truly satisfy us. There is an emptiness, a lack, or void, which only God can fill.  It presents itself to us as a powerful yearning. This emptiness occurs even when everything seems right and good; when all is well; when we are filled with the love of our newborn child, husband or wife, children, relatives and friends. This feeling is a mystery to us and when it makes itself known, we can be thrown into total confusion and unrest.

      In stillness and quiet it can sneak up upon us. It comes like a thief in the night. When we least expect it, it appears, uninvited and unwelcomed.  We feel puzzled because we thought we had managed to satisfy that feeling of emptiness. But our satisfaction is short-lived, and the emptiness returns with a vengeance!

     We do not enjoy living this way and do what we can to fill the emptiness and void. We fail to realize that it is God who is the cause of this feeling. He is the only One who can ever satiate this deep yearning.

     We grow frustrated and impatient because we also fail to understand that this is a gift. It is an awesome privilege that we hold as children of God. So mistakenly, we do what we can to try to make it go away. We long to be filled now. We do not want to wait. Waiting is difficult for us. We are an instant gratification type of people and we want what we want ‘yesterday!’

     When we fail to identify this deep yearning for God, we feel restless and unsettled. We want to get moving. We want to do something – anything – to help our plight and be freed from these oppressive feelings!

     We may try to distract ourselves, by spending extra time watching the television, or on the internet and such. We may go on a shopping spree or plan the next ‘perfect’ vacation. We are like a dog chasing his tail, not getting anywhere. It will not work.

     We may also look to our spouse, our children, our grandchildren or friends to fill the cavern in our hearts to make us feel whole and fulfilled.

     This is an unfair burden that we have placed upon them which will end in disappointment! This yearning, this feeling is something we need to befriend and accept as normal. It is God’s reminder to us that we are pilgrims and sojourners on this earth. Our real home is heaven, and our deepest desire is for union with God. We are His children and the ache and lack we feel is a homesickness that more than likely, cannot be filled, here on earth. ‘It is the price we pay for such an immense dignity!’

     “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are” (1Jn 3:1).

     Being is a child of God is God’s gift to us. We will never be fully satisfied and fulfilled while we make our way to our true destination: heaven and union with God.

     Be at peace then. Enjoy life, your family and friends, good times and all the gifts that God has bestowed upon you. Don’t expect or allow, the people and things around you to fill the place in your heart that only God can fill.

     Stay close to God. Talk to Him. Love Him. Spend time with Him. And when that deep yearning and longing – that empty feeling in your heart -- makes itself known, recognize it for what it is! Cry out to God like the Psalmist – full throated, with a heart full of courage and love!

     “O God, You are my God, for You I long; for You my soul is thirsting. My body pines for You like a dry, weary land without water. So I gaze on You in the sanctuary to see Your strength and Your glory.

     “For Your love is better than life; my lips will speak Your praise. So I will bless You all my life, in Your name I will lift up my hands. My soul shall be filled as with a banquet, my mouth shall praise You with joy.

    “On my bed I remember You. On You I muse through the night for You have been my help; in the shadow of Your wings I rejoice. My soul clings to You; Your right hand holds me fast”
(Psalm 63: 2-9).

     “Wait for the Lord with courage; be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27: 14).

1 comment:

  1. Well said Avia Joy. Please dear Lord, help us to recognize that hole in her heart as a deep yearning for you!
