“My food is to do the will of the One who sent Me and to finish His work.” John 4 vs 34
God has given to each of us work to accomplish. Work which reveals itself to us as each day of our life unfolds. Our work is not a single task but a continuum of tasks we accomplish one after another.
Following God’s commandments, as well as the teachings of the Catholic Church, helps us in navigating the road to His will. Fulfilling the duties of our state in life, to the best of our ability, will keep us heading in the right direction.
It sounds like it should be easy, so why do we find it so difficult at times? When life is moving in the right direction – that is – in the way we want, we find it easy and delight in God’s will. But when things are moving along in ways that challenge our faith, we begin to doubt God and His Providential care for us. We struggle and wrestle with God when things get hard. We find it difficult to believe that this could be part of God’s will for us. When life is not going the way we like, we want to run the other way. We want to retreat into a safe zone – a place where life unfolds to our liking. The truth is, we don’t want to accept that our good God could really allow this to happen to us!
Part of the problem rests in the fact that we live in a fallen world. We are not in heaven. Sin happens! We are affected by the wounds of our own sinfulness, as well as the sins of others. When sin entered the world, so did sickness, envy, hatred, division, betrayal, and all the conditions that make us suffer. These wounds affect us deeply! This was not part of God’s original plan. God wanted to give us life, but we chose death instead. God has given us the great gift of free will and we, His children, don’t always use it as He would like. We exercise our wills in ways God never intended. Nevertheless, God permits our disordered actions and then uses them for our good. “God works all things for the good of those who love Him” (Rm 8 vs 28).
Doing the Father’s will and accepting it under all circumstances with complete trust, was the food of Christ here on earth. Jesus knew He was loved by His Father and placed His total trust and confidence in Him. Jesus set His face for Jerusalem, even though He knew it meant His death. He completely surrendered to His Father’s will, accepting even death, death on the cross.
Jesus’ obedience and surrender to every aspect of His life on earth is a lesson for us. Jesus praised His Father in good times and in bad. He enjoyed family life with Mary and Joseph, learned a trade, made friends, laughed, cried and grew weary at times. He experienced joy, sorrow, temptations, betrayal and abandonment. Jesus’ life is the perfect example for us as we follow in His footsteps.
God’s ultimate will for us is to be with Him one day in heaven, and He will do all that He can to assist us on our journey. As our life unfolds, He sends the necessary graces to fulfill each task as it presents itself. Each time we succeed in following His will, we grow in grace and virtue. As we get stronger, we come to trust that we are not alone. God is there to help us.
To know God’s will, and be faithful to it, we must first accept it, and then stay connected to Him in prayer. Cling to Him! Depend upon Him! Cooperate, in carrying out His holy will, to bring about the Kingdom of God in your life, as well as in the lives of others. Frequent the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. They will fill you with sacramental grace, which is the life of God, enabling you to stand firm in faith as His will is manifested in your life. Let God’s will be your food, so you can accomplish all that He has set out for you to do.
Pray to Our Lady! She is the perfect disciple and Handmaiden of the Lord. She is the mother of Jesus and our mother. Christ gave her to us from the cross. She carried out God’s will with total and complete abandon. She helped form the early Church and continues her work from heaven. She, along with her spouse, the Holy Spirit, is to form Christ in us. Mary’s last recorded words in scripture are, “Do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2 vs 5). If we do what she says and listen to Jesus, by doing the will of God, we will part of the Family of God.
“Whoever does the will of God is my brother, and sister, and mother” (Mk 3 vs 35).
Avia Joy, I always strive to unite my will with God's will, but sadly, the the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak!!!! Another favorite quote from John 3:30, "He must increase, I must decrease."