Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Live the Song in Your Heart

     “A FRIEND is someone who knows the song in your heart
 sings it back to you when you have forgotten how it goes.”

     We have all experienced times when life has beaten us down. When we don’t have the initiative to take the next step or even know what the next step is. The road ahead seems endless with no oasis in sight. We feel like we are a failure and don’t believe we are up for any task.

     These are times of desolation, which can come upon us like a sudden storm -- out of the blue -- and hit us like a ton of bricks! The Evil One would like nothing better than for us to stay in that dark place. That place which tells us, “Why do you think this situation will change? God doesn't care. If He did it wouldn't have happened in the first place. You are not important to Him. It’s never going to get any better!”

     When we experience thoughts and feelings like this, a big RED FLAG should begin to wave to capture our attention. We need to run, not walk, to our closest friend and share what we've been harboring within. We have to take those dark thoughts out into the light, and see them for what they really are – untruths and lies – sown by the Devil and his minions. He does not want us to reveal our “secret,” and will encourage us to keep them hidden. “If they knew this about you – that would be the end of your friendship. They would see you for what you really are; so keep your mouth shut! They would not this understand in a million years.”

     These are all lies. Do not believe the liar! Open your heart and soul to a trusted friend. They know who you truly are, and will listen with love and compassion. A friend will give you encouragement and hope that “this too shall pass.”  Your goodness will be reflected back to you, and you will begin to feel more like yourself. You will start to believe in your goodness again, and realize you are not alone.

     “A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he that has found one has found a treasure. There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend, and no scales can measure his excellence” (Sirach 6 vs. 14-17).

     God, in His great love for us, has given us friends to share our joys and lighten our burdens. Christ Himself had cherished friends when He walked this earth. Jesus visited Martha, Mary and Lazarus and saw their home in Bethany as an oasis when He was tired and weary. Later in Christ’s ministry, He called the apostles “friends,” and opened His heart to them.

     We all have a song in our heart that is known by our dear friends. There will be times when we need to sing that song to a friend and remind them of their wonder. We will also have times when we will need to listen and believe the song that is sung to us.

     When you have forgotten the tune, believe, with all of your heart, the beautiful melody sung by your friend. It will lead you back on the right path – the path to your true identity – the path laid out by God!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Avia Joy, that is so beautiful! I thank God, because I do have such friends AND He has also blessed me with two dear sisters that are friends as well, who know my song! Praise God!!!
