An EKG was the first test performed, and thank God, it came back normal. Oh good! It probably isn’t his heart. But his pain was increasing and he was vomiting a lot. After much blood work and testing, a diagnosis was reached within an hour and a half. Jonathan had gallstone pancreatitis. In fact, they said, his was a classic case.
The problem with his pancreas would have to be resolved before they could operate on the gallbladder. Pancreatitis exhibits itself with excruciating pain and even with pain medication, the pain remains extremely intense.
On the second day of his hospital stay, Jonathan opened his eyes and whispered softly, that he was offering all of this for a very special intention. It touched me so deeply, that while he was reeling on the bed in pain, his thoughts went to others. It made me think of Jesus and how He too reached out to others while on His cross. I then thanked God that this good man, He had given to me so many years ago, would be cognizant enough to unite his pain with Christ’s. By doing so, his suffering was not wasted but became redemptive.
Thank heavens, the pancreas problem was resolved; he had gallbladder surgery two days later. He was released from the hospital on the afternoon of the fourth day.
As I walked to my car to take Jonathan home, my heart was full of gratitude to God and His sweet Mother. Sure, it would be some time before he would recover fully, but “praise God,” he would recover!
Jonathan and I will celebrate our forty second wedding anniversary later this month. Many years ago, when we said our “I do’s,” we had no idea of the road that lay before us, and we still do not. The only thing that we are sure about is that God does indeed have a plan for us .He will give us the grace to deal with each event as it happens. God has each of our best interest in mind and knows exactly when we will go to be with Him in heaven. So, in the meantime, we will continue our journey together, grateful to God for each additional day that He gives to us.
The suddenness of this event, pointed out to me, how quickly life can change and just how much I depend on my God and my faith to hold me above the storms of life. It also reminded me of how, as the Body of Christ, we depend upon one another for prayer and support, and for that I am eternally grateful!
As I grow older, my heart overflows in awe, with an awareness of the great love our God has for us His children. Oh Papa and Mother Mary, we love you so and are delighted to be members of this great Communion of Saints.
Amen, well said Avia Joy!!!! Life is so fragile; without faith and the grace of Our dear sweet Lord, there is no hope!!!!!! Praise be to God we are members of the true "Royal Family"...God's family!