Friday, April 17, 2015

The Flame of Love

   “I place this new instrument in your hands. Take this flame. You are the first to whom I entrust it. It is the Flame of Love of my Heart. First, light your own heart and then, pass it on to others. With this flame you will light all hearts in the world. The miracle will be this. This flame will become a fire, and with its shining light, this fire will blind Satan.” Our Blessed Mother to Elizabeth Kindelmann

     Elizabeth Kindelmann lived in Budapest, Hungary, under Communistic rule. She was a lifelong Catholic and a Third Order Carmelite.She had a difficult life from childhood, having been orphaned by the time she was five. Married at sixteen and widowed by the age of thirty two, she struggled tirelessly to support her family. Burdened by family cares, her relationship with God suffered.
Although she still attended Mass, it was with great effort. For three years Elizabeth experienced the dark night* and was tormented by the devil. On July 16, 1961, the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, after receiving the Sacrament of Penance, Elizabeth prostrated herself before a statue of the Blessed Virgin. Although she was not filled with peace, Elizabeth felt as if she had left her wounded soul at Carmel. The following day she begged and prayed, “Dear heavenly Mother, I do not want to be ever unfaithful to you. Do not abandon me, hold me tight. I do not trust myself. My steps are so unsteady.”

     From that time, Elizabeth experienced tremendous graces. She began to receive locutions** from our Lord and our Lady. They were preparing her for the stupendous mission of spreading our Lady’s Cause, "the Flame of Love", to Hungary and the world. Elizabeth was asked to pray, sacrifice, fast and make mortifications to save souls and bring about this special grace for our times. Jesus told Elizabeth that she could only be united to His work of Redemption by the continual renunciation of herself. She suffered torment by the devil, who was thoroughly bent on convincing Elizabeth, that the Cause was a figment of her imagination. Satan was aware of the blinding effect it would have on sinners, who would be free to receive the grace to abandon sin and walk with God. She also experienced obstacles and humiliations that God used to purify her soul and further the Cause.

     Elizabeth felt unworthy to have been chosen to carry out this great mission. Our Lady reassured her by saying, “I, the Mother of Mercy, entrusted you with the most excellent of my graces: to make my Flame of Love known to others. Why precisely you? I will tell you. Listen, my daughter, you are also the mother of a large family. Through your children you know all the pains and problems of a family. Only a mother can truly share my sorrow. I am the Mother of Sorrows. I suffer greatly because of the souls being lost. I am tortured in pain as I grieve for the sufferings of my Divine Son. Never despise tiredness, be my eternal companion helping me bear my sufferings. This is what I ask of you.”

     Little by little, Jesus and Mary revealed to Elizabeth what would be required to obtain this great grace, for herself and others: fasting, praying the rosary with the “Flame of Love” petition*** added to the Hail Mary, holy hours before the Blessed Sacrament, and night vigils. A great emphasis was placed on praying for priests, the Holy Souls in Purgatory, families, and salvation for the whole world.

     Due to the fact that Elizabeth had been chosen to introduce this Cause to the world, she was called to perform extraordinary acts of mortification. They were given to her over a period of time, as well as the grace to enable her to carry them out. She always had the freedom to say yes or no to what was asked of her. With a generous and humble heart, Elizabeth said “yes.” Our Lord and our Lady pressed upon Elizabeth that “the spreading of the Flame of Love must be the main purpose of her life,” and so it was. Elizabeth lived out her days on this earth fulfilling the wishes of Jesus and Mary. She died on April 11, 1985.

          What was it that kept Elizabeth pressing on to accomplish the task that was set upon her, with all the obstacles and roadblocks she experienced? Of course it was the grace of God, along with the pleading of Jesus and Mary to persevere and stay the course.

     In Elizabeth words, “He (Jesus) spoke to me at length about the time of  grace and the Spirit of Love quite comparable to the first Pentecost, flooding the earth with its power. That will be the great miracle drawing the attention of all humanity. All that is the effusion of the effect of grace of the Blessed Virgin’s Flame of Love.”

     Jesus continued, “The earth has been covered in darkness because of the lack of faith in the soul of humanity and therefore, will experience a great jolt. Following that, people will believe. This jolt, by the power of faith, will create a new world. Through the Flame of Love of the Blessed Virgin, faith will take root in souls, and the face of the earth will be renewed, because ‘nothing like it has happened ever since the Word became Flesh.’ The renewal of the earth, although flooded with sufferings, will come about by the power of intercession of the Blessed Virgin.”

     The times in which we live are urgent. Our Lady stated to Elizabeth, “Earth is experiencing the calm before the storm, like a volcano about to explode. Earth is now in this terrible situation. The crater of hatred is boiling. I, the beautiful Ray of Dawn, will blind Satan. No dying soul should be condemned. My Flame of Love will now be lit. It will be a terrible storm, a hurricane that will want to destroy faith. In that dark night, heaven and earth will be illuminated by the Flame of Love that I offer to souls.”

     Elizabeth’s Diary, written at the request of Our Lord, was given the imprimatur of Cardinal Peter Erdo, on June 6, 2009. It has also received imprimaturs from Mexico, Costa Rica, and Pennsylvania.

*The Dark Night is a purification by which God draws one to Himself and to a deeper sanctity. This period is marked by a purging of self-love and a feeling of abandonment by God; one cannot “see” Him as before.

**A locution is a form of private revelation, similar to an apparition, but rather than being seen a locution is heard or received internally.

***Hail Mary, full of grace … Pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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1 comment:

  1. This is certainly very sobering to read. This earth is was in bad shape then, but I fear it's much worse now! We need something and it has to be from the effect of prayer. Thank you for sharing this story Avia Joy.
