St. Jose Maria Escriva
The “blame game” started long ago in the garden. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. As children of Adam and Eve, it might be a good time to say, “the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree!”
When we do something wrong, react or behave in a way that is unbecoming, we want to point a finger somewhere else. We don’t want to admit that we are insufficient in some area of our character. It’s much easier to see the other person’s behavior or our particular situation as the real problem. It takes the focus from us and provides the false freedom not look into our own hearts and see truth.
Advent is the perfect time to take stock of this truth. Advent is supposed to be a very special period to prepare for the great feast of Christmas. It affords us with the opportunity to do our best to allow the Holy Spirit to form Jesus in our hearts. Forming Christ within our souls comes at a great cost to us. It means we try to love as Jesus did – to live as Jesus did. This is not easy, especially when our “to do” list, is longer than the time and patience we have to accomplish everything! So how do we manage it? How do we keep our inner peace when we want to scream?
We need to keep our focus on Christ. We have to spend some time in prayer and quiet. Our tendency to blame our aggravations on someone else often happens, when we and they, are stressed. Our society has dumped a load of pressure upon us to do, do, do, and that more is better. More gifts, more lights, more activity. We are urged to make this Christmas the best one yet!
We can still make this Christmas the best one yet, by allowing the Holy Spirit to form Christ in us. We can start by not reacting to people when they annoy us. Take a deep breath. Say a little prayer and breathe the breath of the Spirit their way. Ask Him to give you the mind, eyes and heart of Christ. Walk away if you must. Ask for the grace to be Christ to them. Offer this all to Jesus as a gift – a little piece of straw to soften His manger. You will have countless opportunities to practice this, making a comfy bed for Jesus.
So when you’re in a shopping line that is too long or in traffic that is moving at a snail’s pace, grab your rosaries. Begin to pray and recapture your sense of peace. When you’re in the midst of decorating and the lights aren’t working, the phone is ringing, the kids are fighting, and you’ve just about had it, stop! Open the door of your heart; enter through, commune with God. Ask Him to allow your light to shine and help you to flee from the darkness. Jesus is the light of the world and we must run to Him when we begin to lose our light. He is expecting us to bring His light to others – especially at this special time of the year.
This will not be easy. We are being called to act in a way that is counter to the way we feel. We will be tempted to justify our behavior by lashing out instead. After all, I’m the victim here. The evil one would rather have us frazzled and at “odds” with one another. He does not want us to hold on to our peace and celebrate Christmas filled with joy. Don’t allow him. Foil his plans and cling to God. “Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with good” Rom 12 vs 21). Pray, “bless them, change me,” even if it’s through clenched teeth!
We should also look at the practical side of our problem -- our “to do” list: gifts, decorating, Christmas cards, etc. What is really essential? What does truly enhance our Christmas celebration? What memories am I leaving for my family? Is the way we celebrate and prepare for Christmas a gift or a nightmare? What message am I sending to my family and friends about what Christmas means to me?
We do not have the power to change anyone or the way they act. We do have the power, with the grace of God, hold on to our peace, and not allow their behavior to take it away. By focusing on ourselves and our reaction, we may diffuse the situation, or at least, not lose the peace and joy that Christmas should bring.
“Heavenly Father, we are all your children, united to You in love. Pour Your peace down upon us. Help us to accept it and share it will all. Let us remember that we must hold Your peace in our own hearts, to be enabled to give it to others. Merciful Father, forgive us for the times we lose our patience with one another. Fill each of us with Your love and peace. Unite us in this holy season, as we prepare our hearts and homes for the best Christmas ever! Amen.”
Amen! What an awesome post, but especially at this time of year!A priest once told me to work on transparency! The perfect gift for on the Holy Spirit! Prepare Ye the way…come Lord Jesus!