Accepting all as
God’s will is such a challenge!
The good things that happen are certainly
easy to accept and see God’s hand in them; then we thank and praise Him. It’s the
difficult things that just seem to happen – the trials that purify our will and
challenge us to trust when everything within us feels like rebelling or just
giving up!
It certainly
isn't easy to have total trust and abandonment to God’s ordaining and
permissive will, but life offers us plenty of opportunities to practice. The first
thing we must do is to remind ourselves that God is with us in our trials and
troubles. He loves us so very much that He would not allow anything to happen
in our lives, if it was not ultimately for the good of our salvation. Next, we
need to remain in the present moment and not allow ourselves to walk down the
path of the unknown future in our imagination. We all have quite vivid
imaginations, and can come up with all kinds of scenarios that usually don’t come to pass. When we find ourselves tempted to ‘Imagine,’ remember that God’s
name is I AM, not I was or I will be . . .this helps us to stay or come back to
the present where God’s grace is given to us. We need to pray and beg our dear
sweet God to pour down His special graces into our souls to help us achieve
this difficult goal. Let us go to our Mother Mary as well, and ask that we be
open to accept the grace of total trust and abandonment to God’s will in our
lives – a grace that she lived most perfectly.
You couldn't be more correct about how much more difficult it is to accept God's will when it goes against our human will! What great words of wisdom to control our active imaginations by remembering God's title..."I AM"