I have journeyed for a little more than six decades with the Blessed Three, and although I know I am now living in the "autumn" of my life, I still feel a youthfulness within my being. I believe it is Their Life within me bursting forth, bringing about a freshness and newness that otherwise would be absent. They have found a home within my heart, and I humbly cherish Their Presence.
My journey has a destination, and that destination is, hopefully, heaven. This has been an awareness that I've had all of my life, though at times, my decisions did not reflect that fact. But my God is a patient and loving God, and like a GPS, has redirected me when I have wandered off course.
To reach a particular "journey's end," I must have clear directions. Our good God has supplied a "map" to do just that: the Ten Commandments, Holy Scripture, the Catholic Church and the Magisterium. He has also sent His Son, Jesus, as a role model so I could try to imitate Him. Having a good map and not being as familiar as you should, can present problems. In time, this realization would come to me,as I moved into adulthood.
Although I had a good faith foundation as a child, re-educating myself became a priority when I had a "spiritual awakening" as an adult, and yearned to learn all that I could about my God and my faith. I wanted to do what I could, to make sure that I stayed on the "narrow path," so I'd reach my goal one day.
My life has had its ups and downs, its twists and turns, its joys and its sorrows. But my God has been with me each step of the way, supplying grace and guidance, consolation and help, correction and affirmation. I can't imagine making this sojourn through life without Him, nor would I care to.
Having Him as my traveling Companion, has made the difficult times bearable and the joyful times more delightful! As I move forward on my journey in this mystery called life, unaware of what lies before me, I trust that the Blessed Three will continue to lead me, guard me, and guide me into the wonder of Their love, and help me with Their grace to be one with Them in heaven someday.
What a beautiful way to look at aging Avia Joy! You have given me a "Spring in my step"! Thanks be to God, I can identify with much of what you have to say and are pleased to be on this journey along with you. God bless you and may "Sasha" continue to inspire you. Thank you for this gift!