Thursday, September 25, 2014

Running With Complete Trust

     “Our present life is given only to gain the eternal one and if we don’t think about it, we build our affections on what belongs to this world, where our life is transitory. When we have to leave it we are afraid and become agitated. Believe me, to live happily in this pilgrimage, we have to aim at the hope of arriving at our Homeland, where we will stay eternally. Meanwhile we have to believe firmly that God calls us to Himself and follows us along the path towards Him. He will never permit anything to happen to us that is not for our greater good. He knows who we are and He will hold out his paternal hand to us during difficulties, so that nothing prevents us from running to Him swiftly. But to enjoy this grace we must have complete trust in Him.”                                                St. Padre Pio

     Keeping our eyes on our eternal destiny seems to be the theme that God is holding before us these days. We must look into our hearts to become aware of our attachments, so we can let go of them, and gently place them in the hands of our “Papa.” There He will take care of them for us. It is a difficult thing for us to do; because we are often tempted to possess who and what we love.

     But our good God does know us, even better than we know ourselves, and will use the best instruments or situations to bring this about. It usually does not happen without much pain, suffering and letting go. But, St. Pio assures us, that Papa will hold out His hand to us during these difficulties. We must have the courage to believe this and move in that direction.

     A wise priest once told me, “Life is a journey to be lived. Not a problem to be solved.” We must begin to realize that we do not know what lies ahead on this road of life, and we don’t have all the answers. We must be humble enough to finally accept that we cannot fix everything; nor are we called to do so. We must learn that our assessment of a situation is not always correct. We do not see all the ins and outs as God does. We must be patient and wait; trusting if indeed there is something the good Lord wants us to do, He will make it perfectly clear. He will then open the door with an opportunity.

     Our responsibility then, is to learn to trust God. Believe He is leading us, as well as our loved ones, on the path that will bring all to heaven, our Homeland. We need to remember that this is only a pilgrimage and not the destination. It is the place where our love should be purified to become more like God’s. We have to strive to love as He loves, without possessing; only wanting “the good” for the other.

     Run swiftly to God, with every ounce of your being, not allowing anything to deter you on your mission. Keep your eyes and your heart focused on “Papa,” till He lifts you up and holds you close for all eternity.

     “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2 vs. 9).


1 comment:

  1. Trusting God is so much easier when everything is going smoothly in your life. It's not as easy when adversity strikes! Please God that we can keep our eye on the prize! Excellent words of wisdom Avia Joy!
