Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Our Lady of Vladimir

     Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Vladimir, also known as Our Lady of Tenderness and the Birthgiver of God.*   
     Years before the birth of Avia Joy, I discovered the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir in a religious store and immediately bonded with her. The love that was so evident between Mother and Child struck deep within my heart. Their “cheek to cheek” embrace, with little Jesus’ arm wrapped around His Mommy’s neck, clasping her face, brought back many cherished memories of the babies and toddlers I've held close to my heart. His eyes are riveted on her and yet she stares out with a bit of sadness knowing the fate that awaits her dear little Son. . .but she holds Him now . . .close to her heart. She will protect Him and do all she can to fill His world with love; to keep Him safe and guard Him while it’s in her power to do so . . . But too soon a time will come, when she will have to let go and allow her Son to fulfill His mission – the mission she said “yes” to, when she agreed to be the Mother of the Savior.

     Those of us, who are mothers, remember fondly the time when we were our little child’s world. We too did all we could to protect our children and keep them safe. Like Mary, we realized that the world will have “its way” with our children and there is only so much that we can do, as their world gets bigger and our sphere of influence shrinks. But that is as it should be, so our children can learn, grow and mature, and hopefully develop the morals and virtues we have tried to hand on to them.  We long to keep them from hurts, pain and suffering, but that is not in our power to do so, and like Mary, we stand by the foot of their cross, trying to bring some comfort and love, and share in their agony.

     But there is also joy, happiness and tender moments . . . memories of cuddles and kisses, milestones and achievements.  They too are part of motherhood – of Mary’s and ours. Like us, Our Lady delighted with Jesus’ first smile; his first tooth; the first time He called her Mama – and all the other “firsts” that fill a mother’s heart with pride. Like us, she loved to watch Him grow and learn and pray and express His love for God. Like us, she too, had moments of worry and concern and times when understanding did not come easily; but she had a deep faith in God and trusted completely, as we are called to do as well.

     Mary was a mother, just like us, and understands the ups and downs of child-rearing and all that it encompasses. She knows about pouring herself out for love, and the vulnerability that goes along with it. But she is here to help us! She is our gift from Jesus on the cross. She will assist us with all of our concerns and worries. We cannot be with our children at all times, but Mary can. We must give them to Our Lady -- place them in her arms with our sweet little Jesus. She will see that one day, they reach their final destination – heaven – our true home.

*As noted in an earlier post (April 29), Our Lady of Vladimir is one of Avia Joy’s unique birthmarks and it is my hope that through Mary’s powerful intercession she will bring about a new birth in your relationship with God.      


  1. Such a wonderful, comforting idea to place our children & grandchildren in the arms of Our Lady with such trust & confidence that she will hold them close to her heart, with Jesus, & take tender loving care of them. Thank you for portraying such a beautiful & heartwarming portrait of our Blessed Mother!

  2. What a heartfelt, heartwarming blog on Our dear Blessed Mother! You think about Jesus in-utero, as an infant and also as an adult, but too often we forget those hidden years. What a beautiful reflection and how easy it is to relate as a mother myself. Thank you so much Avia Joy for sharing your treasured gift of writing with us.
