Friday, June 20, 2014

The treasure of the Cross

    “To live in love is not to set up our tent on Tabor.  It is to climb Calvary with Jesus and see the Cross as a treasure.”
                                                                                            St. Therese of Lisieux

      When I read about the saints, I am reminded how very much I need to grow and change! We’d all like to “set our tents on Mt. Tabor”…didn't St. Peter want to do the same?  Gee, maybe there is hope for us after all! It is clear that St. Peter grew in his love for God, gave his life to serve Christ and eventually, became a martyr. Apparently at some point, Peter, like Therese, came to see the Cross as a treasure.

     How do we move in this direction, when our human nature tells us to run the other way?
I’m sure, for both Therese and Peter, it did not happen overnight. It was most likely a series of failures and successes, as well as a deepening in their love for God and practicing virtues.

     They probably both recalled the words of Christ, “If anyone wishers to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9 vs 23). They then did their best to become that disciple; we are called to do the same. In daily living, when we are serious about our relationship with Jesus, we will find plenty of little opportunities to practice mortification. It is God’s way of strengthening our spiritual muscles, so when the big crosses come our way, we are more able to persevere through His grace.

     At those times, when we are carrying our cross, may we remember that Our Dear Lord is right beside us, with the help that we need. We have to unite our cross and pain with His, so that it becomes redemptive, then not a bit of it is wasted. We need to pray, from the depths of our hearts, that we may grow past “enduring” our crosses, and with His grace and help, come to treasure them.

     I’d say we certainly have our work cut out for us! May we ask for the prayers and assistance from Saints Therese and Peter, to help us attain this lofty goal. May we also pray for one another on our journey through life to grow in our love for God, as we keep our mind fixed on our eternal destiny.

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