Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Mysterious Wisdom of God

     “Many things happen that God does not will. But He still permits them, in His wisdom, and they remain a stumbling block or scandal to our minds. God asks us to do all we can to eliminate evil. But despite our efforts, there is always a whole set of circumstances which we can do nothing about, which are not necessarily willed by God but nevertheless are permitted by Him, and which God invites us to consent to trustingly and peacefully even when they make us suffer and cause us problems. We are not being asked to consent to evil, but to consent to the mysterious wisdom of God who permits evil. Our consent is not a compromise with evil but the expression of our trust that God is stronger than evil. This is a form of obedience that is very painful but very fruitful.”     Fr. Jacques Phillipe

     Living life in our fallen world is at times, both difficult and challenging with the relationship between God and us. We are called to trust and believe that somehow God can use this tough situation not only for our good, but for our sanctification. In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, penned long ago: “We know that all things work for good for those who love God” (Rm. 8 vs 28). So why is it that we question and doubt God’s love for us when trials come our way? Why is it that these happenings remain a stumbling block or a scandal to our minds? Why can we not believe that God can and will bring some good from each trial?

     Part of the problem rests in the fact that we do not truly believe ourselves to be precious and loved by God. We forget that we are loved by Him unconditionally and we do not need to do anything to earn His love. God is not up in heaven creating the next trial to send our way, but waiting to be asked to help. Satan wants nothing more than for us to be convinced that God does not even think about us, let alone care what happens. The devil whispers and sometimes even shouts deceitful thoughts and ideas, as well as lies in our minds: Why do you think you are precious and loved by God? He doesn’t care about you. If He did, this wouldn’t have happened. Forget Him. He’s not worth the effort. You’re better off on your own. At least then you’d have no one to blame but yourself!

     Don’t believe the lies! The evil one wants nothing more than to separate us from God. His goal is to have us spend eternity with him and his minions. He will do what He can to put a roadblock in our relationship with God. The truth is that life is difficult and we do have to endure hardships and sufferings. But God is our Papa and wants us to be with Him one day in heaven. He proved His love by sending His Son Jesus to die for us and open the gates of heaven. Frequently remember and cherish these thoughts especially when life’s events try to tell us otherwise.

     We must believe the mysterious wisdom of God is stronger than this difficult or troubling circumstance that He has permitted – that He can bring good fruit from this situation that is painful and puzzling – that we are loved by Him with an everlasting love that is present in this very circumstance. Fr. Phillipe tells us that we are called to a form of obedience that is very painful but very fruitful. God is calling us to live a heroic level of trust, practiced by the saints. This will lead to a peaceful surrender in all the trials in life.

     So when our husband gets ill, our kids get scabies for the second time, our roof caves in, we lose our job, we lose our friends, we struggle will mental illness, we feel lonely or abandoned, our patience wears thin, and all the million things that do occur in our lives, picture Papa holding out His hands to lift you up. Let Him! Run into His arms and tell Him all your woes. He wants to listen. He’s there to comfort. He waiting to give us the grace, not only to endure this trial, but to grow in strength and virtue – to fall more in love with Him than before -- to become a saint!

     This is not an easy task – to trust unreservedly in all that comes our way – but it is the path to peace. A peace that Papa is offering and wants us to experience – especially in the midst of suffering and difficulties! Let us pray for the grace to be open to this awesome possibility and implore the Communion of Saints, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to intercede for us to achieve our goal!

     “We even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been pour out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” (Rm. 5 vs. 3-5).

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!! How easy it is to accept favorable things as being God's will, but the moment life becomes difficult...we blame God!!!!! Please help us to trust and love you always Lord. Thank you again for such sage advice Avia Joy!
