Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Keeping Company with the Angels

     “When you awake in the night, transport yourself quickly in spirit before the Tabernacle, saying: Behold, my God, I come to adore You, to praise, thank, and love You, and to keep You company with all the Angels.”                                                    St. John Vianney

     What a beautiful devotion St. John has proposed to us! Waking during the night, can be annoying – especially when you are weary and tired! We toss and turn and try our best to get back to sleep. When sleep evades us, it becomes a problem. By adopting St. John’s practice and putting it into play, we change a negative situation into a moment of grace!

     Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, is waiting for us to visit Him. At night, Jesus is all alone in our Churches. He is a willing prisoner in our Tabernacles, seeking our love. He longs for us and delights in our presence. The fact that our God yearns for us, is something most of us truly do not grasp. How in the world is that possible, is the thought that penetrates our minds. Believing that we are cherished and loved beyond all imagining is difficult for us to internalize.

     Christ’s love was so great that He not only took on flesh, suffered, died and rose from the dead for us, but He gave Himself in the Eucharist. Jesus wanted to be with us always and so He is, in the Sacrament of Love. We too should return His love by sharing our time with Him.

     Beginning this practice could take some effort; our minds are not at their best for remembering when awakened at night. It may be a good idea to begin this exercise of love during the day, when we are fully conscious. We can start by transporting ourselves several times a day before the Blessed Sacrament. Picture Jesus present there: see the smile that comes to His face as you enter; listen for His greeting; speak sweet words of love to Him; thank Him for all the gifts and graces He has poured down upon you; tell Him about all that is happening in your life – joys and struggles; adore and praise Him for the gift of His love in this awesome Sacrament; picture the multitude of angels and saints surrounding Him; sit, in the quiet of your heart and just love Him; soak in His love as well!

     We don’t have to do all of the little exercises of love each and every time we make a spiritual visit to Jesus. It can be a few seconds, a few minutes, or longer; the idea isn’t the time we spend, but the love we bring. As we continue with our practice, it will become a habit and something to delight the heart of God. In time, after much repetition, it will come more easily to our mind at night when we awake from sleep.

     When Jesus walked this earth, His love was rejected by many. There were some who did bring Him love and comfort. Let us join in the ranks of those sinners and saints who have brought joy to the heart of Christ. Make the effort while you are able, and love your dear sweet Jesus with your whole being – especially in the night when He’s lonely.

     Transport yourself before the Tabernacle and sit beside St. John Vianney, Blessed Mother Teresa, St. John Paul ll, St. John Neumann, and the rest of the saints and angels with the gift of yourself.    

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful practice that is Avia Joy and one that I hope to make a habit.
