Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Everything Matters

     A dear friend had asked for my help in choosing a comforter set for her master bedroom. I loved to decorate and considered it one of my gifts from God. I quickly said “yes,” and we were off to see what we could find.

     As we sat in the store’s parking lot, I suggested we pray that God would lead us to the set He had waiting for us. As we proceeded into the store, I grabbed a shopping cart. My friend was surprised at my audacity in believing that our cart would be filled. I remember telling her, “you always know your item is from God, when it’s both beautiful and a good price!” We both laughed and walked over to the comforters.

     In no time at all, my friend saw just what she had pictured in her mind. It was so pretty, and better yet, it was on sale! We were both so excited and thanked God for His assistance.

     There are those who think that God is way too busy to even think about, let alone care about helping us with these little minor – even trivial things of life. After all, there are really sick people, conflicts and wars going on, you know more important things than helping us choose a color to paint our bedroom. He has urgent world issues to be involved with, so don’t bother Him about this minor stuff. He just isn't interested!

     “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides” (Mt. 6 vs. 25a, 32-33). “Even the hairs of your head have all been counted” (Lk. 12 vs. 7a).

     God is our Father – our Papa. He loves us and wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives. He wants to us to come to Him with the small things, as well as the large. A Father who cares enough to have each hair of our head counted, is interested in even the minute details of our lives. But He asks that we seek Him and His kingdom first. He wants our love and our time. He doesn't want to be relegated to “somewhere” on our list, but to be placed first.

     When we put God first, asking Him for help comes naturally. Do not parents want to assist their children in every aspect of their lives? Do they feel “put upon” or annoyed, when they are asked to help? Are they of the mindset that little things don’t matter? Are they not interiorly delighted to give a helping hand? Don’t they always want what’s best for their children?

     God wants us to be this intimate with Him and is delighted when we are. Sure, He’s busy with the whole wide world, but remembers you are a part of that world. He is God and can handle it all. He cares about our work, our play, our health, our worries, our families, our homes – everything – even down to helping us find a parking spot when we've asked Him to go shopping with us!

     Asking God for help with decorating or with any other matter, does not always mean that you get your answer it on your first try. Nor does it mean that you won’t have obstacles and aggravations in obtaining your request. What it does mean, is that you believe that you matter enough to God to ask for His help. That you believe He cares about even these small details of your life: that all your hairs are counted.

     The next time you fix your hair, ask God who knows each hair on your head, to increase your awareness of His everlasting love and concern for you. When the occasion arises -- big or small, happy or sad, sweet or sour, simple or complex – and you need His help, sit down and chat with Papa. He’ll want to hear all about it and will respond with His divine love.


1 comment:

  1. Amen Avia Joy!!!!!!!! You are singing to the choir on this one! I love that you blogged about going to God for EVERYTHING...large and small. We should NOT put limitations on God.
