Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A sign, Papa - You have to send me a sign!

     Although things were moving along with Avia Joy, I was starting to feel somewhat uncertain and insecure about the territory that I was journeying toward. If I did decide to give birth to this new creation, how many times a week would I be committing to write? Would I have enough material to do so? Who would be interested anyway?

     My questions now were directed to God.  "Why do You ask me to do things about which I know
nothing? You know I don't know have a clue about all this! Why did I say yes to You anyway? A sign, Papa. You have to send me a sign!"

     Those who have been pregnant, know the ups and downs you experience when you are carrying a new life within. One minute you feel excitement and the next moment is filled with worries and concerns that keep popping into your mind. The insecurities, anxieties, and questions continually try to convince you that you are not up to the task.

     I remember feeling this way before, when I was pregnant with my manuscript. The "whys" drove me crazy! I asked for a sign then, and it did come. Would it come this time as well?

     Each morning and evening, I spend twenty minutes in quiet prayer time with the scripture readings of the day. I sit and reflect on the readings and wait in silence to see if there is any way that God may want to touch my heart.

     I had read the Sunday readings the evening before, and nothing really struck me. I must admit though, I was still a good bit distracted by my insecurities about the blog, and had a difficult time being present to God's Word.

     On Sunday morning, I meditated on the very same readings and this time it hit me like a ton of bricks. Abraham! Why did I not see this last night? Papa! Here is Your sign!

     I couldn't believe my eyes. The last time I had asked for a sign, God had used Abraham to be my companion throughout my journey. This time would be no different. Once again, like Abram, God was asking me to leave the comfort of my "home," and travel to an unknown land where He would bless me and make me fruitful.

     The next scripture that struck me was from the Gospel: "When the disciples heard this, they fell prostrate and were very much afraid. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, "Rise, and do not
 be afraid." ( Matthew 17 vs. 6-7)

     Through His Word, Papa was trying to reassure me to leave my fears behind. I was to place my trust in Him, be obedient to His promptings and in faith, journey to this foreign and unfamiliar land. But I would not be alone; He would be with me, lead me, and bless me. I only needed to take the next step in faith, and trust as Abraham had.

     I thanked God for His generosity in sending me a sign, and asked for the grace to be faithful in carrying out His command.


  1. Thank you for listening and being faithful! I am enjoying your entries!

  2. You are truly a messager of God and he show you the right path and guide you will his loving hands.
