Thursday, April 21, 2016

Master of the House

     “Commitment is doing what you said you would do after the feeling you said it in has passed.” St. Camillus

     For those wishing to grow in holiness, I would like to take this quote a little further. Commitment is doing what you know you should do even when, and especially when you don’t feel like it.

     There are times in our lives when doing what we’ve made a commitment to do or to do what we should be doing, is very, very difficult. Now I’m not talking about the times we are physically exhausted and we long for a break, but times of spiritual desolation.

     When we are in spiritual desolation, the evil one does his best to keep us discouraged. His aim is for us to give in to feelings of weariness and throw in the towel. He does not want us to overcome our negative feelings, die to ourselves and grow in grace and virtue. No. His desire is to keep us stuck in the muck of hopelessness and the pit of despair. He’ll do his best to convince us that things will never change and remind us of how much longer we may have to endure this difficult situation. He’ll whisper and sometimes even shout: walk away – you’ll a fool – does it really matter if you do this or not – who even notices?

     The devil does not want us to realize that this is his temptation; his words are a lie. He wants us to believe that we have been forgotten and abandoned by God.  Therefore we must in turn abandon our commitment and be angry with God. Satan doesn’t want us to know that God has allowed this to help strengthen us – to increase our faith and trust in Him – to overcome ourselves and fulfill our commitments.

     “To guide myself by mere sentiment would be like putting a servant in charge of the household and causing the master to relinquish his position.” (J. Tissot).

     We must not allow our feelings to rule over us – regardless of their strength. Call out for help: first to God and then to a good spiritual friend. Have them pray with you. Spiritual desolation is very powerful and we cannot overcome it by ourselves. We have to stay the course and do what we are called to do. It is not easy. You may even have to wrestle with yourself  not give in to your feelings.

     Take baby steps and force yourself to do the next thing – moving one step at a time in the right direction – toward God and His will for you. Remember that you are not alone. God is there with you. He is helping you. Offer your day and all you do to God. When you go to Mass, place your life, past, present and future on the patent, and unite it with Christ’s sacrifice to the Father. God will take it to Himself as a precious gift from His beloved child. Ask Jesus to pour His precious blood over and saturate the malignancy of your tormented thinking.

     Pray for perseverance and fortitude. These are gifts from God that we cannot live without. Life is full of challenges and tribulations. We must see them as opportunities to grow in holiness, instead of punishments from God. When we believe that we are madly loved by God our heavenly Father, our Papa, and never doubt His love, we will be able to run to Him for help at the first sign of desolation. We will stand in hope for the assistance He will send so we can fulfill our commitment.

     “Trees that grow in shady and sheltered places, while externally they develop with a healthy appearance, become soft and yielding, and they are easily damaged by anything at all: whereas trees that grow on the tops of very high mountains, buffeted by strong winds and constantly exposed to all types of weather, agitated by storms and frequently covered by snow, become stronger than iron” ( St. John Chrysostom).

     Praise God in times of desolation that He has planted you on a mountain high, so you may become stronger than iron. Become holy. You are on the road to being formed into the man or woman God has called you to be from all eternity!

     Do not relinquish your position. Remain the master of the house!

1 comment:

  1. Avia Joy, what a different way of looking at "Master of the House". This was not at all what I expected. Although, I very much needed to read it. Thank you, once again for my spiritual food!!!
